Soul & Sound -
Singing Bowl Healing
Healing with sound therapy and vibrations;
combines a total relaxation of body and muscle with bringing relief to mind and soul.
The sounds emitted by singing bowls work as a type of energy medicine, restoring harmony to body vibration frequencies. The sound frequencies created by the signing bowls restore
the flow of this energy and bring about a state of well-being.
As the vibrations travel through your body, you will no longer be listening to the sounds but feeling them.
Everything in the world has a frequency, including every cell.
The human body is made up of more than 70% water, and every cell is filled with water.
When the sound of the singing bowl enters the body, it resonates with the water in the body, and modulates the frequency of the body's cells, slowly opening the blocked chakras and meridians which are returned to a
balanced flow, thus bringing human a sense of peace and happiness.
Mental Healing
  • 提升幸福感
  • 消除壓力產生的疲勞及憤怒
  • 釋放恐懼與焦慮
  • Enhance sense of happiness
  • Eliminate fatigue and anger caused by stress
  • Release fear and anxiety
Physical Effect
  • 提升睡眠品質改善失眠
  • 改善身體疼痛
  • 加速血液循環
  • 改善腸胃消化
  • Enhance sleep quality, Cure insomnia
  • Improve body pain
  • Enhance blood circulation
  • Improve digestion
脈輪(Chakras) 是人體能量的中心,
The chakras are the energy centers
of the human body and are located on the central axis of the body.
There are a total of 114 chakras in the human body, 7 of which are the most important. The chakras reflect the psychological state of the person, and then reflect to the physiological level.
頂輪 Sahasrara
眉心輪 Ajna
喉輪 Vishuddha
心輪 Anahata
臍輪 Manipura
生殖輪 Svadhisthana
海底輪 Mulahara
Respective Organs
對應器官/ 系統
頂輪 Sahasrara
大腦、腦下垂體 Upper Brain
覺察 Wisdom, Spiritual, Connectivity
眉心輪 Ajna
小腦、松果體、眼、鼻、耳 Lower Brain, Eyes, Ears, Nose
直覺、想像 Intuition, Creativity
喉輪 Vishuddha
喉嚨、氣管、口腔、甲狀腺 Throat, Trachea, Mouth, Thyroid
溝通 Communication
心輪 Anahata
心臟、肺、循環系統、胸腺 Heart, Lungs, Circulatory System, Thymus
愛、關係 Love, Compassion
臍輪 Manipura
肝、胃、神經系統、胰臟 Livers, Stomach, Nerves, Pancreas
力量、自我、意志 Self-Esteem, Well-Power
生殖輪 Svadhisthana
臀、腰、生殖器、內分泌系統 Buttocks, Waist, Genitals, Endocrine System
性慾、情緒、創意 Sexuality, Desire, Anger
海底輪 Mulahara
脊椎、腸、免疫系統 Spine, Intestinal, Immune system
生存、接地 Stability, Physical Health